CHAIN MAIL: Daemonhunters List 1000/2000

"Hello! I just learned about your website from Pretty neat! I'll definatly be exploring it for the next couple days! Anyway, here are my DeamonHunter army lists. I have a 1000 pt and a 2000pt. I was wondering if you had any insight."

Thanks for the email, Zac. I think I can help you out.

First of all, your army list comes out to be more than 1,000pts, so you may have sent me too many units by mistake. But with the models you have (and the nasty point limit), I'd suggest something like this:

Brother-Captain (Incinerator)
-- Retinue: 3 Grey Knight Terminators (Incinerator)

9 Inquisitorial Storm Troopers (2 Meltaguns, Veteran w/ Teleport Homer)
9 Inquisitorial Storm Troopers (2 Meltaguns, Veteran w/ Teleport Homer)

Land Raider (Smoke Launchers)
Land Raider (Smoke Launchers)

NOTES: Wow, that's not a lot of models (even in a 1,000pt army), but the models you have are pretty decent. You've got two large units of ISTs (with 4 BS4 Meltaguns and 14 BS4 Hellguns) stuffed into two Land Raiders (I really recommend standard Land Raiders over Crusaders in 1,000pt games -- the twin-linked Lascannon really make a huge difference). Both squads have Teleport Homers so that you can bring down your two Incinerators right where you need them.

This army depends on not getting the Land Raiders popped, but if you can swing that then you'll do pretty well in most games.

BC /w incinerator GKT / w incinerator GKT GKT GKT 
Inq. Lord /w psychic hood ------ In a Rhino with smoke warrior / mulit melta mystic mystic 

Callidus Temple assassin 
Inquisitor --------------In a Rhino with smoke Warrior / multi melta Mystic Mystic 
BC /w incinerator GKT / w incinerator GKT GKT GKT 

In a Rhino 3 storm troopers 2 storm troopers /w melta 
In a Rhino 3 storm troopers 2 storm troopers /w melta 
In a Rhino 3 storm troopers 2 storm troopers /w melta 
1 Justicar + targeter + Melta bombs 4 Grey knights /w 2 psycannons 

Land Raider Crusader /w smoke 
Land Raider Crusader /w smoke 

This list puts me at 1997 points. What say you?"

Again, your list comes up a little high when I run it through Army Builder, so I'm not sure what you had that was unintended in the list you sent me (or if I missed something). 

Here are my comments:
  1. Put the Psychic Hood on the Brother Captain instead of the Inquisitor Lord (that let's you get rid of the pricier Inquisitor Lord).
  2. The Inquisitor + 2 Mystics + MM Servitor in a Rhino isn't the strongest build. You either need a "shooty" retinue (Inquisitor with Psycannon, 3 Heavy Bolter Servitors, 2 Mystics and a Sage) or you need to go with a basic Inquisitor (Bolter) and stick him in a transport with your ISTs.
  3. Mystics don't really help your army that much. You don't have any shooting that's going to scare away Deep Strikers (e.g., like a Plasma Cannon Servitor with 2 Sage). I'm not sure they really benefit this army.
Here's what I'd try (considering the models you have):

Grand Master (Incinerator, Psychic Hood)

-- Retinue: 4 Grey Knight Terminators (Incinerator)
-- Note: This unit rides in the first Land Raider

5 Grey Knight Terminators (2 Incinerators)
-- Note: This unit teleports in using Teleport Homer.

5 Inquisitorial Storm Troopers (2 Meltaguns)
-- Transport: Rhino (Extra Armor, Smoke Launchers)

5 Inquisitorial Storm Troopers (2 Meltaguns)
-- Transport: Rhino (Extra Armor, Smoke Launchers)

5 Inquisitorial Storm Troopers (2 Meltaguns)
-- Transport: Rhino (Extra Armor, Smoke Launchers)

5 Inquisitorial Storm Troopers (2 Meltaguns)
-- Transport: Rhino (Extra Armor, Smoke Launchers)

10 Grey Knights (2 Incinerators, Teleport Homer)
-- Note: These ride in the second Crusader

Land Raider Crusader (Smoke Launchers)

Land Raider Crusader (Smoke Launchers)

NOTES: I'm trying to work with the models you have and I think this version is a bit tougher. I like the Callidus, but I just don't think it works in a heavy Grey Knight army (she really needs Inducted Guard to shine).

I'd love to get your thoughts and if you play with the list, please let me know what you think! Best of luck!

>>Comments are welcome and feel free to email me your lists or questions -- I'm going to endeavor to respond to every email. Just send them to me at And, as always, your mileage may vary.

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